180g Organic Spicy Olive Tapenade


Rated 4.50 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings

Sku: 2138

Tapenade – a spicy olive paste with a rich mixture of fresh and herbs and lemons from our organic garden at Neot Semadar kibbutz.

The olive trees in the groves are bio-organic treated, free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. The desert climate and soil provide the olives with their unique taste.

Containing: 180 grams


מיוצר ע"י: נאות סמדר, נוקדי המדבר בע"מ קיבוץ נאות סמדר חבל אילות 8886000 טל: 08-6358176


Additional information

Weight 0.6 kg